Sam Raimi’s “Army of Darkness” is coming as a Zavvi exclusive Steelbook in September

Zavvi are bringing us the 3rd Evil Dead movie, Army of Darkness, as an ultra limited (2000 copies) Steelbook on September 8th.

Pre-orders will be live around 6pm UK time on the May 27th (ignore the ‘sold out’ button for now), and we’re trying to get confirmation of the extras and which version(s) of the movie will be included, but we’ll keep you updated!

Pre-order: Zavvi

army_1 army_2 army_3

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12 Responses

  1. ADAM says:

    So i checked the Zavvi website and it says SOLD OUT… Is it actually sold out within hours or has it not actually been live yet

    • admin says:

      Yep it’s now sold out. Zavvi often re-list titles nearer release time if they get cancellations that free up a few copies, so keep checking back. Follow our Twitter feed to find out straight away if it goes back on!

  2. ADAM says:

    oh man….. cheers for the quick response I will wait to see and hope.. I must be quicker for the PHENOMENA / INFERNO and BLACK SUNDAY Pre-orders.

  3. GlenB says:

    Was looking forward to this one. Shame we can’t stop dealers buying up the stock so they can charge exorbitant prices on eBay. Why only 2000 copies?.

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