Meet The Collectors #24 – Ehmar Ehsan

Here’s another new installment of Meet The Collectors, and today it’s the turn of Ehmar Ehsan to tell us about his collection.

As always, if you’d like to be featured in a future article, please get in touch here.

Over to Ehmar…

How did you first get into steelbook collecting, and what was your first purchase?

I was at end of my Uni years and I remember going into the local HMV Glasgow city centre and was browsing through the bluray section and I noticed Marvel’s Captain America and Marvel’s Thor films both in a strange metal packaging and I was hooked as soon as I saw them… i must admit, i didn’t buy them until a few years later.

My first steelbook was actually a graduation present from my siblings – which was Star Trek 2009. (Still an awesome film!)

If I remember correctly, the first one I purchased myself was Batman Begins.

Do you have a favourite steelbook in your collection?

Not one, but a bunch of favourites haha! Ratatouille, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tron Legacy, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy steelbooks to name a few.

Would you ever buy a steelbook just for the art, if you didn’t like the movie?

Yes. I have done so – Godzilla, Warcraft and The Mummy Trilogy are a good example (I do love the first Mummy film… but the other 2 kinda sucked lol).

Conversely, would you buy a steelbook of a movie you love even if you hate the art?

Again, Yes… and again, I have done so – How to Train Your Dragon, Guardians of the Galaxy, Van Helsing – For me, Its more about having a more complete collection than not buying it.

What movie that doesn’t currently have a steelbook really deserves one?

There are lots of films which deserve one : Kung Fu Panda 3, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory(1971), Galaxy Quest, Upgrade, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 1+2, How to Train your Dragon 2 (and 3 eventually), Maverick, The Phantom, ParaNorman, Tango & Cash… I’m sure there are more, but thats all that comes to mind at for now.

Do you store your collection neatly away, or is it all proudly on display?

I display my collection proudly! I really feel steelbooks are the current epitome for film collectors… i recently ran out of room and had to buy another bookshelf – but thats getting pretty full now too haha.

I always try and leave room for more! I think I’ll save up and get the Game of Thrones steelbooks next.

Do you collect anything else?

I used to collect toys… mostly Transformers and Power Rangers, but understandably my wife felt I was far too old for that, so I reluctantly moved 90% of my toys into the attic for storage.
I was adamant in keeping a few display pieces out though haha.
I will probably sell most of it… one day.

Other than that – I love buying movie “Art of” books.

What do your family and friends think of your collection?

My kids and my siblings love it;
My friends love the idea, but feel it costs too much;
My wife thinks its a waste of good storage space for her clothes/shoes haha!

But in truth how can anyone else apart from a movie-buff or fellow collector like members of this community understand the time, effort and happiness of having a steelbook collection?

Thanks to Ehmar for sharing, and if you want your turn, please get in touch here.

You can talk about this collection – and yours – in the #steelitis_support channel on our Slack

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